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MOAA was founded in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 23, 1929. The first leaders of the association hoped that by joining together they could provide assistance and advice to other military officers. This concern for others fostered natural fraternal relations among members from all branches of the uniformed services.

By the beginning of World War II, MOAA's leaders realized that they needed to reorganize and expand to become an effective force on behalf of their members. In what turned out to be a wise decision, MOAA moved to Washington, D.C., in 1944 with a membership of 2,600.

MOAA changed its name from The Retired Officers Association (TROA) to MOAA in 2003 to better reflect its primary mission which is to embrace the entirety of the military community and to provide a professional umbrella organization to advocate for them before Congress and the DOD. MOAA is the nation’s largest and most influential association of military officers and is second in membership among the 36 members of the Military Coalition; only the American Legion has more members. MOAA is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization and is a powerful force speaking for a strong national defense and representing the interests of military officers at every stage of their careers. MOAA’s reputation is such that its President, VADM Ryan has twice been invited to visit the troops in Iraq. MOAA’s membership is now 374,000 which includes 64,000 Active Duty Officers, 57,629 Guard and Reserve Officers, 3800 Former Officers, 243,247 Retired Officers and 62,650 Auxiliaries MOAA is comprised of 35 Councils, 409 Chapters in all 50 states representing every branch of service – including active duty, National, Guard, Reserve, retired, former officers and their families including the widows of members. MOAA is permitted by law to lobby - and does so actively. Its leadership, are all retired officers who understand the community, is regularly testifies before congress and meet with various DOD officials. There is no doubt that MOAA was the major influence in obtaining TriCare, TriCare for Life, eliminating the SBP Offset and the elimination of the widows tax as well as other significant benefits for service members, both active and retired, and their families. MOAA is the leading voice on compensation and benefit matters for all members of the military community. MOAA’s staff of experts is available to provide expert advice and guidance to our members. MOAA provides its members and their spouses with a wealth of information, services, and resources for job seeking. Whether you are making the transition from the military to a civilian career or changing from one career field to another. Check out the TOPS program early. MOAA has arguably the best scholarship program which provides interest free loans and grants to children of all ranks and all services. MOAA exists to support and maintain your and your dependents benefits as well as to advocate to maintain the benefits of those who have gone before – the retired officer community as well as their widows. MOAA’s guiding principal is: ONE ASSOCIATION, ONE VOICE, YOURS.